Thursday, May 5, 2011

Polly Dolly (Graphic T)

Graphic t/shirt

Polly dolly this week I wanted to stay casual and since our weather has cooled but not cold..its a good chance to wear those little knitted or light jackets.
Loved this t'shirt with the tiniest splash of burnt orange inspired me to hit the shops to find the perfect scarf or light coat..because I had a hard time deciding after I found 2 I liked, I splashed out and got both.and now can wear whichever grabs my fancy that day. when I found this cutesy little hat it was time to bring in the shoes....hmmmmmm so dreamy and now so ready to meet a couple of special friends for an awesome top of the range coffee....Meet ya there!!!   


Unknown said...

I love the bright of the orange in the outfit, really draws attention. Great work!

Talitha xx

Victoria said...

I love the brightness, & your layout.background is amazing.

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