Hey bloggers, Its my B'day today. Hope to lay around and watch bit tv with some washing getting done inbetween.
With the LO, Em brang around the great pics and said this is it she going to do a page like lynnie with different cardboards and shit all over the page with paint and lots different stuff. I ended up getting involved as I do. So I did 1 half and Em did other..we got Summer and covered her face up to stop her being a paint sniffer.
Painted the background with her hands and feet. Then Zac said he could draw a duck and did such a good job Em and I both wanted it on our half so we had to end up cutting it in half to be fair, lol. got the page done and Em stood back and said its so shit we will never be able ot do a page like lyn and allyssa and should give up trying to do a perfect page, was so damn funny. we did have heaps of fun trying tho.we both want to know what half yous like so make sure you comment to let us know. Still waiting for my atc's to arrive. Hope they come soon. hint hint! huggers all.